Senior Staff
Dr. Kevin Song
Medical DirectorDr. Donna Forrest
Associate Medical DirectorDr. Yasser Abou Mourad
HematologistDr. Hannah Cherniawsky
HematologistDr. Shanee Chung
HematologistDr. Florian Kuchenbauer
HematologistDr. Deepesh Lad
HematologistDr. Stephen Nantel
HematologistDr. Sujaatha Narayanan
HematologistDr. Thomas Nevill
HematologistDr. Judith Rodrigo
HematologistDr. Claudie Roy
HematologistDr. David Sanford
HematologistDr. Ryan Stubbins
HematologistDr. Cynthia Toze
HematologistDr. Jennifer White
Clinical Associates and Nurse Practitioners
Dr. Alex Fong
Clinical AssociateDr. Joanna MacLean
Clinical AssociateDr. Michael Phang
Clinical AssociateDr. Adrienne Roos
Clinical AssociateDr. Kristin Sing
Clinical AssociateDr. Brendan Wong
Clinical AssociateDr. Gagandeep Kalia
Internal Medicine,
Long-Term Follow-up ClinicAria Conn
Nurse Practitioner,
Long-Term Follow-up ClinicAnnabel Francis
Nurse Practitioner
Leadership Team
Program Managers
Mona Walia
Clinical Operations ManagerMihaela Rozor
Clinical Operations Manager
Nursing Leadership Team
Patient Care Coordinators
Karen Bartulin
Patient Care Coordinator,
InpatientMorgan Burke
Patient Care Coordinator,
InpatientRebecca McTavish
Patient Care Coordinator,
InpatientAllison Scorrar
Patient Care Coordinator,
InpatientKelsey Wolfe
Patient Care Coordinator,
InpatientValerie Campbell
Patient Care Coordinator,
BMT NavigatorsKatie Adam
Patient Care Coordinator,
Ambulatory ClinicsDanielle Murphy
Patient Care Coordinator,
Ambulatory ClinicsTamara Ross
Patient Care Coordinator,
Ambulatory Clinics
Clinical Nurse Educators
Rebecca St Jean
Clinical Nurse Educator,
BMT InpatientBrittany Brewster
Clinical Nurse Educator,
BMT InpatientDrew McIenaghan
Nurse Clinician,
BMT InpatientJennifer Millar
Clinical Nurse Educator,
BMT DaycarePatsy Vanee
Clinical Nurse Educator,
BMT DaycareMathew Bently
Clinical Nurse Educator,
Hematology Apheresis Unit
Our Multidisciplinary Health Care Team
The Leukemia / Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Program has a team approach that includes a large multidisciplinary team of health care professionals. Everyone involved is committed to ensuring you receive world class care. This includes patients and family members as active partners on the health care team.
There are a number of professionals involved in each patient’s care. Please see a list of everyone you might encounter while you are a patient of ours:
Attending Doctors: Hematologists specializing in blood diseases including Leukemia/Bone Marrow transplantation. This is the senior physician responsible for your care. Responsibilities of our 17 “Attending” physicians rotate with each on duty two weeks at a time on the inpatient unit and four weeks at a time on the outpatient units, allowing opportunity to meet and receive care from our entire team. All Attending Doctors meet weekly to discuss your care. Click on bios to learn more about our team.
Clinical Associate Doctors and Fellowship Doctors: Doctors with extra training in blood diseases and stem cell transplantation. Hematology “Fellows” join our Leukemia/BMT Training program for one-two year to advance their training. These doctors will examine you, monitor your progress, and discuss your care with the Attending physician. Click here to learn more about our Fellowship Program.
Clinical Pharmacist: A clinical pharmacist participates in planning of chemotherapy and any other medications you need to take. They answer any questions, help you understand how to take the medication at home and monitor and prevent problems related to your medications.
Registered Nurses: Nurses with training in providing care and support to patients with blood disorders including stem cell therapies. Our nursing team consists of 200 staff nurses in inpatient, outpatient, transplant navigation, and apheresis and advance practice roles of Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Clinician, Clinical Nurse Educator, Patient care Coordinator. The nursing team will provide direct patient care through your treatment journey.
Nurse Navigators: A nurse is assigned to each patient that requires a transplant as part of their treatment. The “BMT Navigators” coordinate necessary testing, appointments and planning to prepare for transplant. For some patients, this planning will begin before you arrive to Vancouver and the BMT Navigators are your primary point of contact prior to admission and transplant.
Registered Social Workers: A Social Worker will meet with you and will be available during hospitalization and outpatient visits. They can help you cope with the emotional aspects of your diagnosis and how it may affect you and your family. They provide help with living arrangements, transportation, financial questions, and other practical matters.
Registered Dietitians: Dietitians are experts in nutrition. They can help you manage symptoms and make the best food choices, especially when your appetite is low. During hospitalization, Dietitians monitor the nutritional intake and make recommendations to meet dietary goals.
Physiotherapists: The “PT: team can help you maintain and regain strength after receiving intensive therapies. They meet with you when in hospital and design an activity-programs based on your needs.
Occupational Therapists: The “OT” team can help you manage everyday activities, while moving safely and coping with symptoms. They assess you to make sure you have any equipment you need to get through the day safely.
Spiritual Care Practitioner: A practitioner is available to meet spiritual and emotional needs of patients family and staff. They provide spiritual care to people of all faiths, including those with no formal belief system, and can arrange care by clergy in the community. Speak with your nurse to arrange a visit.
Nursing Unit Assistants and Clerks: A large team of administrative professionals support the multidisciplinary health care teams on the clinical units and behind the scenes in Program offices. They support delivery of patient care including scheduling appointments, tests and care.
Patient Care Coordinator: “PCCs” are nurse leaders who supervise each of our clinical units. They are responsible for coordinating safe patient care each day. PCCs are available to discuss nursing care, hospital services and your needs or concerns.
Clinical Operations Managers: Program Managers are responsible for overall clinical leadership and operations management of the Leukemia / Bone Marrow Transplant Program. They ensure efficient staffing, quality patient care, employee development, facility safety, and accreditation compliance. Our vision